Rochester Golf Club
Black Culvert Road
Rochester, VIC, Australia, 3561

Membership 2025
Please complete this membership application form and follow instructions within to become a member for the 2025 season.
Rochester Golf Club Membership from March 2025 to February 2026.
*Fees includes Golf Australia and Golf Link Affiliation Fees
Full Membership* $260.00
Have full use of the course and as long as you have a Golf Link Handicap (GLH) can compete in all events.
New Membership* $170.00
This is only available if you do not have a GLH. Once you have obtained a GLH, you are able to win NTP’s or the day’s event.​
Social Membership $140.00
Allows you to play as often as you want. If you wish to compete in an event, you are able to with the payment of entry and green fees.
Junior Membership $0 (Golf Australia Affiliation Fee payable only - $50)
Under 18 years and allows full Membership rights.
Competition Entry Fees
18 holes $10.00
9 holes $5.00
Green Fees
All Day $20.00
9 holes $10.00
Visitors from other clubs are most welcome and can compete with a payment of Entry and Green fees